Therefore, it's useful for editing command output or for when you're preprocessing a file with other tools& you can then pipe that text output straight to sed for quick editing. 因此,它对于编辑命令输出或对于使用其他工具对文件进行预处理非常有用&然后您可以将该文本通过管道直接输出给sed,以进行快速编辑。
GShell is an extensible environment and includes support for editing, command history, and tab completion. GShell是一个可扩展的环境,并包括对编辑、命令历史记录和按Tab键自动完成(tabcompletion)的支持。
In this example, we called sed with one editing command,'d. 在该例中,用一个编辑命令'd'调用sed。
To set the editing mode, specify your preferred mode either on the command line or in a bootstrap file:$ set editing-mode emacs. 若要设置编辑模式,可以在命令行上或在引导文件中指定您的首选模式:$setediting-modeemacs。
The editing functionality means that you can go forward and backward through the command line currently displayed to make changes and correct typos. 编辑功能意味着您可以在当前显示的命令行中向前和向后移动,以做出更改或纠正输入错误。
After you finish editing the command, right click on it and select Run SQL. 编辑完命令之后,右键单击它并选择RunSQL。
Sed opened the/ etc/ services file, read a line into its pattern buffer, performed our editing command(" delete line"), and then printed the pattern buffer ( which was empty). sed打开/etc/services文件,将一行读入其模式缓冲区,执行编辑命令(“删除行”),然后打印模式缓冲区(缓冲区已为空)。
A complex editing procedure can be programmed and specified from the command line and executed across multiple files, eliminating all unnecessary screen display, cursor motion, and manual interaction with the files. 复杂的编辑过程可以从命令行进行编程和指定,并跨多个文件执行,从而消除所有不必要的屏幕显示、光标移动和与文件的人工交互。
If you prefer to manipulate the history using a vi-like editing mode, use the command set-o vi to switch to vi mode. 如果喜欢用vi类的编辑模式操作历史,那么使用set-ovi命令来切换到vi模式。
Before looking at editing the command line with ksh, you must set up your environment. 在介绍如何使用ksh编辑命令行之前,必须设置您的环境。
But you can often do an editing job at the command line more quickly than it takes to open the file in a text editor. 但是与在文本编辑器中打开文件相比,您通常可以在命令行更快地完成编辑工作。
Use this command to repeat the last editing command carry out 使用此命令重复上一次执行的编辑命令
A New Method for the Packet Editing Command Transferring of Network Processor 网络处理器中传递包编辑命令的一种新方法
While editing an icon image, select the image command from the top menu. 在编辑图标图像时,从顶部的菜单中选择“image”命令。
Allow Editing command on the Records menu is available? 是否允许记录菜单上的编辑命令可用?
Research on Common Analysis Editing Model of Message based on Artillery Command System Test 炮兵指挥系统测试的报文通用解析编辑模型
Using interactive visual modeling module can avoid user editing Pre-processor macro command text, and shorten modeling time with SHEET-FORMING Pre-processor, and reduce modeling difficulty. 使用交互式可视化建模避免用户编写前置处理器宏命令文本,缩短了SHEET-FORMING前处理器的建模时间并降低了建模难度。
Adding the Power to Encrypt the File for On-Screen Editing Command in XENIX System 增加XENIX系统屏幕编辑命令的文件加密功能
The paper describes an implementing method and way of adding the power to encrypt the file for on-screen editing command in XENIX system. 本文叙述了一种在XENIX系统中为屏幕编辑命令增加文件加密功能的实现方法及途径。
Editing and Appling of Function Curve Command in AutoCAD AutoCAD中函数曲线命令的编辑与使用
VTLS` s UVTM ( User Virtual Test Module) module can provide user the fast debug way by TAB key thinking command, up and down keys changing history command, and editing the error command. VTLS系统的UVTM(UserVirtualTestModule)通过提供TAB键联想命令、上下键翻转历史命令、编辑错误命令等功能为用户提供最快捷的调试方式。